3 important decisions I made when setting up the tech stack for my startup
Starting a new project can be equal parts fun and terrifying. There are so many decisions to be made that will impact how its development is done for years to come and it's impossible to know how that all plays out. This is especially true at an early-stage startup where speed is crucial and your product will evolve exponentially as you look for market fit. Your stack needs to adapt efficiently and not get in the way of rapid iteration cycles while maintaining its structural integrity.
Over the last year, I've been building Wellen and I wanted to talk about some of these key decisions that I've made with our tech stack and how they've played out so far.
Monorepo vs. Polyrepo
Go with a Monorepo (and enforce these 3 important rules)
Drawing on some frustrations at a previous job, I decided to go with a mono repo very early on. This setup empowered me to easily:
- Make changes that impact the entire stack in one pull request.
- Quickly add and integrate more apps without much bootstrapping.
- Set up a development environment that can run everything with one command.
While these points are not unique to a mono repo, the barrier of entry to getting this setup was incredibly low. I had the shell of my stack setup in hours and the structure hasn't changed much as we have scaled.
There are a lot of counter-points to a mono repo, particularly at scale (dependency management, coupling, performance, complexity, etc) but I think you can address a lot of those arguments with these enforceable rules:
- Rule #1 -- Each app/service must be independently deployable. yarn deploy web-app , yarn deploy api
- Rule #2 -- Each app/service must use shared libraries via a package manager (npm, gems, etc). yarn add @internal/packageRule
- Rule #3 -- Each app/service must have the same interface for building, testing, and linting. e.g yarn build , yarn test , yarn lint
The end result is a stack that lets me add apps and packages very quickly, with the ability to make sweeping product changes in a single change request. I also have the comfort in knowing that because of these rules, if the decision is made to split the mono repo up later, it will not be as painful as it could be.
One downside of a mono repo is that you do need to invest more time and energy into scripts and tooling to manage your dev and build pipelines. For example, it took me some time to figure out how I could set up a GitHub action that only ran when changes were detected in a specific sub-folder.
Fortunately, you are able to easily trigger builds when changes are detected in a particular directory:
name: app-1-build
branches: [main]
- "app-1/**/*.tsx"
- "app-1/package.json"
- "app-1/yarn.lock"
branches: [main]
- "app-1/**/*.tsx"
- "app-1/package.json"
- "app-1/yarn.lock"
Another issue I ran into (which I plan on talking about a lot more, later) is the developer experience. Initially, you had to cd into each app/service to run commands like yarn test or yarn serve.
This context swap is minor, but annoying, as you have to do a lot of folder navigation in the terminal.
My current solution is to just add yarn commands at the project root, which do all that for you:
yarn web-app test or yarn api test
This definitely works, but there's a lot of tooling out there specifically to manage mono repos, a lot of which is documented here:
Setup and enforce linting immediately
I never start a new project without immediately setting up a linter and autoformatting. Inconsistent code style or a lack of basic static analysis is a huge source of stupid bugs and developer frustration.
One might argue that the upfront cost of investing in linting is too much when you're trying to rapidly iterate but I completely disagree for these reasons:
- CI/CD pipelines are cheap and easy. eg Github actions, CircleCI, etc.
- Linters are common, well-supported, and popular in all languages.
- Most ship with recommended suggestions that require zero or minimal configuration.
A lot of times you'll see teams neglect this early on, leading to multiple style choices across multiple services. When you jump into an environment like this, you end up losing cycles on just parsing the format vs. the syntax or intent of the code itself. Setting up strict linter rules (and failing builds accordingly) is crucial so that your code style does not drift over time as you add more people to your project.
Some engineers argue that code style limits their productivity or freedom to be creative, but that's a pretty thin argument. Adhering to the needs of a single engineer's personal preference compromises the productivity of everyone else.
On top of that, code style is just one part of linting:
- You can run a linter for security or performance checks (such as rubocop-performance for ruby)
- You can run a linter for accessibility compliance (eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y)
In my case, I had this running from day 1. A lot of my stack is React, Typescript, and TailwindCSS, all three of which I have a ton of linting being done with eslint. When I switch between my services, the code style can always be expected to be consistent. When I add new developers to the project, they are unable to create style drift by adopting their own standards.
Here are some rules/plugins that I have found to be super beneficial:
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort - This ensures that my import statements are always ordered exactly the same at the top of my files. e.g React first, third party next, then my own components after.
- eslint-plugin-tailwindcss - This ensures my tailwind classes are always sorted consistently and do not have duplicates or conflicting uses.
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y - Baseline accessibility compliance for aria tags is pretty nice to have at this stage.
Rebuild your stack constantly
The new developer experience is crucial.
Typically when you're just starting off you'll have a rotating cast of developers coming through your project. In-house, freelancer, in-shore, off-shore, etc. With that sort of cast, it's important that the time it takes for them to get onboarded, set up, and start coding is highly optimized.
This is something I struggled with early on until I took the time to do a few things right.
Use Docker
While often unpopular with developers because of its overhead, I think it's at the point where the performance concerns on Mac/Windows have been mostly invalidated by faster machines and the new virtualization frameworks that have been shipping with Docker desktops.
In my case, I decided to go with a single root-level docker-compose.yml setup that lets me run my entire stack with one command:
version: "3.9"
# ------------------------------------------
# web-app (React/Typescript)
# running on port 3000
# ------------------------------------------
- rails-api
- strapi-cms
context: web-app/
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
restart: unless-stopped
command: yarn start
- ./web-app:/app:cached
- web_app_node_modules:/app/node_modules:cached
- 3000:3000
# ------------------------------------------
# design-system (React/Storybook)
# running on port 3005
# ------------------------------------------
context: valesco/
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
restart: unless-stopped
command: yarn storybook
- ./valesco:/app:cached
- valesco_node_modules:/app/node_modules:cached
- 3005:6006
# ------------------------------------------
# rails-api (Rails)
# running on port 3008
# ------------------------------------------
- rails-db
- rails-redis
- strapi-cms
tty: true
stdin_open: true
context: rails-api/
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
restart: unless-stopped
command: [ "rails", "server", "-b", "" ]
- ./rails-api:/app:cached
- bundle:/usr/local/bundle:cached
- cache:/app/tmp/cache:cached
- "3008:3000"
PIDFILE: /tmp/pids/server.pid
env_file: rails-api/.env
- /tmp/pids/
# ------------------------------------------
# rails-db (Postgres)
# database for rails-api running on port 5432
# ------------------------------------------
image: postgres:14-alpine
- ./rails-api/bin/pg_hba.conf:/var/lib/pg_hba.conf:cached
- rails_api_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:delegated
- "5432:5432"
command: [ "postgres", "-c", "hba_file=/var/lib/pg_hba.conf" ]
# ------------------------------------------
# rails-redis (Redis)
# redis cache for rails-api
# ------------------------------------------
image: redis:6-alpine
command: redis-server
- rails_api_redis:/data:delegated
- "6379:6379"
# ------------------------------------------
# rails-sidekiq (Rails/Sidekiq)
# sidekiq workers for rails-api
# ------------------------------------------
- rails-db
- rails-redis
context: rails-api/
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
restart: unless-stopped
command: bundle exec sidekiq
env_file: rails-api/.env
- ./rails-api:/app:cached
- bundle:/usr/local/bundle:cached
- cache:/app/tmp/cache:cached
# ------------------------------------------
# strapi-cms (Rails)
# running on port 3009
# ------------------------------------------
context: strapi-cms/
dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
restart: unless-stopped
env_file: ./strapi-cms/.env
command: [ "yarn", "develop" ]
- 1337:1337
- ./strapi-cms/.:/app:cached
- strapi_cms_node_modules:/app/node_modules:cached
- strapi-db
# ------------------------------------------
# rails-db (Postgres)
# database for rails-api running on port 5433
# ------------------------------------------
image: postgres:14-alpine
restart: always
- strapi_cms_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:delegated
- ./strapi-cms/bin:/opt/bin:cached
env_file: ./strapi-cms/.env
- 5433:5432
web_app_node_modules: null
strapi_cms_node_modules: null
bundle: null
cache: null
rails_api_db: null
rails_api_redis: null
strapi_cms_db: null
Write a provisioning script that does everything
This can be difficult when your project pulls in many dependencies but having a single entry point to rebuild the entire stack on a whim empowers you to run it often.
For example, here is my provisioning setup:
// package.json
"provision": "yarn provision:envs && yarn provision:docker && yarn provision:db",
"provision:envs": "cp api/.env.example api/.env && cp cms/.env.example cms/.env",
"provision:docker": "docker-compose -p wellen down --volumes && docker-compose -p wellen up --build -d",
"provision:db": "yarn provision:db:cms && yarn provision:db:api",
"provision:db:api": "docker-compose -p wellen run api-db sh -c \"/opt/bin/setup-db.sh\"",
"provision:db:cms": "docker-compose -p wellen run strapi-db sh -c \"/opt/bin/setup-db.sh\""
As a new developer, you can run yarn provision which will:
- Delete all volumes, start from a clean state.
- Rebuild all Docker containers, so dependencies all up to date.
- Setup new databases
- Seed databases with development data
This runs in only a few minutes and results in an easy way to start the entire stack from scratch. Because this is so easy, developers can do it a lot which in turn makes sure that the new developer experience is smooth. With this setup, I rebuild my entire stack weekly which lets me catch potential onboarding issues early and often.
More to come!
This is a topic I could write about for a long time, so we'll leave it at this for now.